WOOHOO! You’ve stumbled across the contact form

Send me, Grizzly Jim your message, and if all goes well you should get a response over the next couple of days.

    I’ve got something rather exciting to tell you…
    It may well have been the craziest, hardest and most exciting six months of my life. But In order to get Grizzly Strings™ off the ground, I’ve been working two jobs, almost 7 days a week, 13 hrs a day. Scraped together every penny I could, I’ve sold almost everything I own, including many of my beloved bow collection (also to fund my trip to France for the world 3D’s, but that tale for another time).

    I’ve been an absent father and a distracted husband…

    But as of this week I’ll be running Grizzly Strings™ full time! (as well as Grizzly Jim, instinctive archery coaching, seminars and workshops, as well as a boatload more videos from Archery Adventures, but more to come on that later)

    I am both equally terrified and excited. I would like to thank everyone so much for their support, in getting Grizzly Strings of the ground, As well as LION Picture Framing Supplies Ltd for employing me for the past six months while I got things up and running, letting me flex my picture framing muscles again (if you didn’t know I used to be a picture framer)

    I firmly believe sometimes you have to take the plunge and carve out a little piece of this world for yourself, and it seems my little piece is held together with bowstrings.

    Thank you once again for your amazing support over the years!

    Take care, Shoot Straight… and I’ll see you on the Internet!

    -Grizzly Jim

    • David Maynard

      Best of luck with your new venture.

      You reignited my interest in archery after getting bored with target shooting 20 years ago!!
      Thank you.

      July 13, 2017
    • David Shaw

      Me and Sam wish you the best of luck going forwards but judging by your work ethic I don’t think you’ll need much from anyone!.

      Hard work is what it takes to succeed and your working hard.

      Shoot straight!

      July 13, 2017
    • Scared the wits out myself moving from the safety net of home twenty one years ago into 1500 square feet of business premises. But it proved to be the right choice, as I am certain, will yours. Best of luck Jim. Would love do do an instinctive archery workshop one day with you if you are planning any in the future.

      July 13, 2017
    • All the best luck to you Jim even though I believe that with your amazing skills and your ability to inspire so many people including me – you will only need a very little bit of luck. Hopefully I will meet you one day on one of your courses.
      All the best
      Morten Hilmer

      August 5, 2017
    • Andy Thompson

      Best of Luck Jim, I truly admire what you’re doing and I hope it’s going well for you.

      March 24, 2018

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